CEBIB was founded as a virtual research centre to train postgraduate students at MSc and PhD level in biosciences (biotechnology & Bioinformatics) in the academic year 2005/2006.  The goal of the program is to develop capacity and manpower for the development of Biotechnology.  To date CEBIB is serviced by academic staff from School of Biological Sciences (SBS), School of Computing and Informatics (SCI), School of Mathematics (SOM), Department of Biochemistry and Department of Physics all from the College of Biological Sciences (CBPS) as well as those from the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) and School of Pharmacy.  CEBIB has established abroad based Academic Board that provides oversight on academic and management matters.  To strengthen the Centre’s teaching and research, CEBIB has elicited the participation of visiting academics from international links and participating/collaborating institutions.  With this approach, the University strategy has been to enhance Biotechnology growth and development in Kenya and entire region.