About CEBIB Journal Club
CEBIB Journal Club is a weekly (rota-based) experiential learning forum where postgraduates assume a leadership role in the presentation of their research progress and published research articles. Journal clubs are part of the research experience at CEBIB to develop your research, scientific critique, and presentation skills. Experts are also hosted as guest speakers in selected sessions of the club.
Journal clubs are compulsory every Wednesday between 1.00 -2.00 pm (EAT)
Each student should choose their own paper in an area of interest. The presentation should be 20-25 minutes long to allow time (5-10 minutes) for discussion thereafter. The format of the presentation should include the title of the paper, year of publication, list of authors, and their institutional affiliation. The background to the paper should also be presented giving the audience the relevant information to understand the context of the published work. The objectives of the study should be highlighted. The study site, design, or methodology explained so as to describe an overview of the experimental work without the finer details except in cases where a novel technique is described. For example, if it is PCR or Chromatography this can be stated without the details of the reagents. However, if it is a new technique like whole genome sequencing a bit more detail will be required. Results should be presented as graphs, tables, diagrams as shown in the publication and explained. The main points of the discussion should be presented. Finally, any critique of the paper, what was good or bad about the paper, did the study meet the objectives or answer the question it set out to investigate, was the analysis done appropriate for the study, do you agree with the research findings in the discussion and does it match with the results.
- Share the Abstract with the title (FileName=Abstract-YourName) at least 2 days prior to the presentation date in order to receive meaningful feedback from participants during Q&A.
- Protect/mask your Intellectual Property in your presentation, where applicable.
- Send your presentation to the organizer (cebib@uonbi.ac.ke) as a backup; in case of a technical hitch in presenting your screen.
- Familiarise yourself with the Google Meet platform, esp. how to share/present your slides/screen, prior to your presentation.
- All participants to mute their MIC & put their videocams off; unless presenting or asking a question(s). Preferably, post your input on the chat/comments section.
- Please be punctual.
- Session(s) may be recorded for documentation purposes.
CEBIB Journal Club is a weekly (rota-based) experiential learning forum where postgraduates assume a leadership role in the presentation of their research progress and published research articles. Journal clubs are part of the research experience at CEBIB to develop your research, scientific critique, and presentation skills. Experts are also hosted as guest speakers in selected sessions of the club.
Journal clubs are compulsory every Wednesday between 1.00 -2.00 pm (EAT)